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We're back! - The Tralee Bay Swimming Club

We're very excited about the upcoming season which starts with the first swim on Wednesday June 1st at 19:30 sponsored by Hugh Culloty. This email contains some important info about the season ahead.

1. 2022 Duty List

The duty list is available here. Every member is encouraged to volunteer at least once. Please email with the race number and role you would like to volunteer for. We need to get volunteers for the first three swims as soon as possible.

2. Kayak Training

The club has organised kayak training with John Edwards on Saturday May 28th at 4pm. The club are covering the cost of the training as it's designed for members that will volunteer during the season. There are only 12 places so please contact Antoinette ( to book your slot. Places will be awarded on a first come first served basis.

3. World Series Swims

This year each World Series swim will have three elements - a timed race, an untimed swim and a beginners swim. The timed race and untimed swim are for people that are comfortable and competent swimming out of their depth around the buoys. The beginners swim are for people that can swim but are new to open water swimming. We will have experienced "buddy swimmers" this year to accompany the beginner swimmers.

4. Pre-Swim Registration

This year we'll be asking members to pre-register for each swim and a registration link will be sent out before each race. This is a practical measure to ensure we have the right ratio of volunteers to swimmers and the correct amount of food on BBQ nights.

5. Handicap System

We're introducing a new handicap system for the timed race this year. Swimmers will need to apply for a handicap by completing this form. For more info about World Series Handicap system click here.

6. Coaching

The coaches affiliated with the club are:

  • John Dowling (086-3405895)

  • John Edwards (087-9101290)

  • Kevin Williams (086-6030204

7. Clean Future

This year we hope to steer the club in a more environmentally aware and sustainable direction. We will be making small changes in the way we celebrate our events to reduce our carbon footprint and leave our beautiful beaches a little better off for our being there.

8. Other Times We Gather

Club members meet casually every Sunday at 11am in Fenit for non organised swims.

9. World Series Dates

  • Swim 1 - Wednesday June 1st 19:30hrs sponsored by Hugh Culloty

  • Swim 2 - Thursday June 16th 19:30hrs sponsored by Fitzgibbon Interiors

  • Swim 3 - Thursday June 30th 19:30hrs sponsored by Water World

  • Swim 4 - Saturday July 16th 19:30hrs July sponsored by Weathermaster

  • Swim 5 & BBQ - Monday August 1st 18:30hrs sponsored by SurfnSail

  • Swim 6 & BBQ - Sunday August 21st 15:00hrs sponsored by Landers Outdoor World

  • Swim 7- Friday Sept 2nd 19:00hrs

  • Swim 8 & BBQ - Sunday September 11th “Grand Finale” 17:00 sponsored by Spa Seafoods

10. Other Important Dates

  • July 16th - Midsummer BBQ and Disco in the Sailing Club

  • August 7th - Trip to Lough Hyne, West Cork

  • August (date to be confirmed) - St Brendan Swim from Derrymore to Fenit

  • August 13th or 14th - Blennerville to Fenit Swim

  • August or September (date to be confirmed) - Trip to Ballinskelligs for Horse Island Swim

  • September (date to be confirmed) - End of Year Awards Night

Happy swimming everyone!

From the Tralee Bay Swimming Club Committee.

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